CAMDA - What is CAMDA?

CAMDA1 was founded to provide a forum to critically assess different techniques used in microarray data mining. It aims to establish the state-of-the-art in microarray data mining, as well as identify progress and highlight the direction for future effort. To achieve these goals, CAMDA adopted the approach of community-wide experiment, letting the scientific community analyze the same standard data sets. Researchers worldwide are invited to take the CAMDA challenge. Accepted authors will be invited to present a 25 minute oral presentation. Those not invited to make a presentation may be invited to present a poster. Results of analyses are discussed and compared at the CAMDA conference.

CAMDA, which began in 2000, was initiated by Simon Lin and Kimberly Johnson from the Duke University Bioinformatics Shared Resource. It is patterned after the molecular modeling community’s well-known CASP2 experiment. In this sense, CAMDA is a functional genomics successor of the other well-known community-wide experiments, such as GASP3 in genomics, CASP2 in protein modeling, GAW4 in statistical genetics, and PTC5 in computational toxicology.

The first CAMDA conference (CAMDA’00) was held December 18-19, 2000. Attended by 250 biologists, statisticians, computer scientists and mathematicians from 7 countries, the conference truly brought together the major players in this field. Since then the CAMDA conference has grown stronger and more exciting. Come join this exciting conference.

All individuals and groups from both academic and commercial entities are invited to join the award competition.


  1. Johnson, K.F. and Lin, S.M. (2001). Call to work together on microarray data analysis. Nature 411: 885.
  2. CASP: Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction.
  3. GASP: Genome Annotation Assessment Project.
  4. GAW: Genetic Analysis Workshop.
  5. C. Helma, R. D. King, S. Kramer, and A. Srinivasan (2001). The Predictive Toxicology Challenge 2000–2001. Bioinformatics 17: 107-108.

Last modified on Fri Jun 1 11:35:19 CEST 2007