The city of Vienna is renowned for its beauty, culture, and high general quality of life, so do plan a longer stop if you can take some time out!
There will be a social programme featuring highlights such as
a trip to a local Heuriger country style restaurant/pub owned by the City of Vienna in the lush vineyards just outside town (Weingut Cobenzl). Closer in time to the conference, we will provide recommendations and further individual highlights on this web page for you to pursue during your visit.
We wish you a lovely stay in Vienna and hope you can take the time to explore the city and the stunning countryside that is in easy reach!
Vienna has an excellent public transport system, for which there is an online route planner. Many hotels sell tickets at reception, else they are available from machines in all tube stations and on many tram stations. These accept banknotes and credit cards. You will need to get a ticket before boarding a train. While you can buy tickets in trams and busses, they are more expensive than when you get a ticket before boarding. Friday to Sunday the tube runs all 24h.
Perhaps of interest, if you are interested in sight-seeing and museums, for €18.50, there is the `Vienna card´ for tourists, which entitles you to 72h of unrestricted public transport and serves as a discount pass to many museums, as well as several other attractions and restaurants.
If you are staying longer or are travelling in company, then the `8 day-tickets´ carnet is interesting. Note that this is not an “8-day ticket” but rather allows you to use up 8 individual `day-tickets´ as you go, and even share the carnet amongst people. So, if you are travelling with a partner, say, you could insert two segments of the ticket into the validation machine, which will entitle two people to unrestricted travel for the day. It costs €28.80 and at €3.60 per day is the cheapest option as soon as you make at least two trips per day (which you almost certainly will).
Lastly, there are 72h/48h/24h and single-trip tickets priced at €13.60/€10.00/€5.70 and €1.80.
Note that you can request discounted multi-day passes during the ISMB/ECCB registration, they are a good deal for 5 days and up!