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This year, registration is handled via ISMB. There is an early registration discount until 1 June 2012.

Delegate rate Student early Academic early Commercial early Student late Academic late Commercial late
CAMDA 2012 $200 $300 $400 $300 $400 $500

Fees cover handouts and onsite catering including for two days. There will be a prize for the best contributed analysis / presentation.

Registration is OPEN from 19 March!

Both days of the conference are on-site at the ISMB conference venue and schedules have been adjusted to allow easy exchange with colleagues attending other tracks. If you just want to attend CAMDA, no additional registration is needed. If you also want to attend ISMB itself, however, or other specific Special Interest Group (SIG) or Satellite meetings, then an independent registration for each event is required.

Sign up to our low-volume CAMDA 2012 announcements mailing list!

registration.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/14 21:58 by dschroeder