The seventh international
conference for the Critical Assessment of Microarray Data
Analysis (CAMDA 2007). To be held:
13-14 December 2007
12 December 2007 (Preconference Seminar by Benjamin
Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe,
Bioinformatics Department
Avda. Autopista del Saler, 16
46013 Valencia, Spain
CAMDA 2007 offers
researchers from computer science, statistics, molecular
biology, and other areas an opportunity to benefit from the
critical evaluation of various techniques in microarray data
For the first time CAMDA has
left its traditional location at Duke and has moved overseas
to Europe. This year's venue is the Centro de
Investigación Príncipe Felipe in Valencia, located
in the east coast of Spain (see location) . This
year we will have two challenge datasets. One of them was
already used in CAMDA 2006, but given its interest we propose
its use this year again. This dataset, from the CDC Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome Research Group , contains gene
expression, proteomic, SNP, and clinical data. We hope this
will foster integrative and biological goal-oriented
analysis. Additionally we propose another dataset composed by
6000 arrays of diseased and normal human samples and cell
lines collected from ArrayExpress and GEO. This second
dataset poses challenging questions on large-scale data
analysis and visualization.
All individuals and groups from both academic
and commercial entities are invited to join the award
New: Download the CAMDA07 poster
New: A Selection of CAMDA
contributed papers will be published in 
New: EMERALD Workshop
Session. Three travel
grants for PhD students from EU member countries